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Added/fixed it so that a message shows when a state is removed
Added/fixed it so that a message shows when a state is removed...
I've made your state duration left based on your auto removal timing
Now, depending on whether your auto removal timing is set to "Action End" or "Turn End," your state durations will decrease after the battler has done an action...
1 file
Fixed Some Confusion
So, <Don't skip turn> and <Don't lose turn" were behaving like each other than themselves. I've fixed it now. So, if you will use this version, note that these...
1 file
Severe bug fixed And a Feature Support Added
I've found a severe bug where if the enemy kills your battler right before it's your team's turns, the number of turns won't reflect that. I've fixed it now and...
1 file
I've fixed a bug
I've fixed a bug where if you were in battle and the last battle you won on your previous turn if you start a new battle, the enemy goes first...
1 file
Major update
I've fixed a lot of bugs/issues and made a lot of improvements to this plugin. Here are the new features: Add <Don't skip turn> to a skill or item to not lose a...
1 file
I've uploaded the wrong file
I've uploaded the wrong file. Please re-download this if you have downloaded it recently...
1 file
Fixed some bugs
I've fixed the following bugs: -Sometimes, the allies start later. -Sometimes, the first actor of the allies doesn't start their first turn. -Sometimes, there i...
1 file
Last post
Since this project/plugin gets so many comments and gets into discussions and technical support is always needed...
started by Next Level Gaming 80 days ago
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